About Us

“The Robe Lady”, as she is often referred to by her clientele makes her laugh but it’s a title she’s proud of.
After graduating from the prestigious Parsons School of Design in 1982, Beverli worked briefly as a pattern maker for Natori, in New York before returning to her native Vancouver in 1983.
She launched her own patternmaking business Barnes Pattern Service, where she honed her technical drafting skills by drafting & grading patterns for local designers and manufacturers throughout the eighties and early nineties.
Beverli captured her niche market of custom legal attire in 1993 after a close friend was “called to the bar”, suggesting there was a need for better quality garments, especially for female lawyers & judges.
Attention to detail, design, fit and exceptional quality has never faltered.
McCarthy’s nominated Beverli’s former company Is It legal? for Entrepreneur of the Year in 1996 for innovation in design and marketing.
“I’m proud to say that everything is made in Vancouver and always will be. I’m not a supporter of cheap labour or throw away fashion. Quality over quantity has always been my mandate. I’ve built my business one customer at a time. Many of whom are still with me today”.
- Beverli Barnes